Do you find that you never seem to know exactly how much you are owed at any one time? Let us help you keep on top of your accounts so that you always know exactly what your financial situation is. If you are a sole-trader, partnership or private limited company that finds it hard to keep on top of your paperwork we can help you.
We can provide bookkeeping services, payroll, VAT and various other services to meet your requirements. We can carry out the work at whatever intervals you require i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly etc. We can tailor our service to provide as little or as much information as you require. We can raise sales invoices, send statements and even do your banking if you don’t have time yourself.
For any business the priority is always getting the money in and we can keep on top of this for you. We can make phone calls or send letters to customers that owe you money and we do not give up until payment has been received. If you have any really difficult customers we can also arrange the paperwork, ready for your signature, to start court action for non payment. We can check delivery notes against invoices, invoices against statements, arrange payment through internet banking to your suppliers if you so require.
Whatever your accounts problem is, we are sure we can help you solve it.
We appreciate that all businesses are different, there is no one single payroll solution that will be suitable for every client, we therefore offer you the ability to obtain a specific solution that meets your needs.
The processing of the payroll is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to the benefits of using us as your payroll provider. The increasing complexity of UK government legislation means that many organisations find it difficult to ensure their payroll meets full legal requirements. Using us ensures that government legislation is adhered to.
We operate a fully computerised payroll system and can run your payroll weekly, four-weekly or monthly, whichever you prefer. We will supply you with pay slips, reports, P45’s etc. If required, we can make payments to your staff and HMRC via internet banking. We can calculate wages from time sheets, clock cards or just normal basic salaries. All returns to HMRC will be completed on your behalf ready for your signature and they will all be done in plenty of time to avoid any financial penalties.
The information can be e-mailed, telephoned or posted to us and can be returned in the same way, whichever is most convenient for your requirements.
Do you need an occasional letter typing or maybe contracts for your clients? Perhaps a health and safety manual typed up?
Whatever your admin requirements we can help you. Is it really worth employing a admin assistant when you really only need someone for 1 or 2 hours a week?
We are able to assist with everything from word processing to creating presentations to simply typing a CV.
We operate with a wide variety of up to date software systems and aim to ensure that a high calibre of work is produced along with speedy and efficient results.
Wherever you are you can call us and dictate letters, or emails for us to send. When you're busy send us your notes and we'll type up your reports.
We can keep a supply of your company stationery so that your correspondence can be printed onto your own letterhead. Once completed your work can be sent to you by e-mail, snail mail, courier or whichever method you require either on hard copy or disk, or both.
If you are based locally we will even pick it up and deliver it back to you in person.
Are you quite happy keeping your own records but maybe just need a bit of help in compiling the figures for your VAT returns? Let us have a glance over your records and check your VAT figures before sending them off. We should be able to pick up any errors that may have been made and correct the details before sending them to HMRC. If we have been involved in the production of your VAT return, we would obviously be willing to be present, if required, for any VAT inspections that you may have. Normally every new business will have a routine inspection within their first three years of trading.
Sometimes it's not convenient to employ someone to work alongside you at the office.
Or maybe your always out on the road or working abroad, so a static employee just won't work.
If that sounds like you, then you need a virtual office along with a virtual assistant.
Lets us run your office while you concentrate on meeting your customers and striking new deals.
If the service you require is not listed then why not give us a call to see if we can help. Your be surprised what services we do offer and we're sure we can help you with your business. Time is precious, so let us help you to be more productive by freeing you up from the tedious office duties.
Call us on 01205 481107 Between 9am and 5.30pm Or if you prefer, click the button to send us an email.
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